BOHEMiYUM - Finalist in the 2022 Eco-Excellence Awards for BEST SNACK!

Exciting News! BOHEMiYUM is a finalist in the 2022 Eco-Excellence Awards!🔥

We are up for BEST SNACK in the Nutrition category. 🙌

We could not be more excited!

We are crazy passionate about the quality of our products and incredibly passionate about our mission to support The Arts in public schools.

Please VOTE for us here!

Again...THANK YOU all for continuing to support @bohemiyum, and good luck to all of the other finalists!

*Voting ends Aug 3rd



#bohemiyum #ecoexcellenceawards #innovative #nutrition#popcorn #snacktime #healthy #nongmo #vegan #glutenfree#wholegrain #kosher


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