BOHEMiYUM Donates to the San Francisco School District Arts Programs

Recently, BOHEMiYUM made a donation to the San Francisco Unified School District Arts programs, and we couldn't be happier!

When education budget cuts happen, one of the first areas to be effected is usually within the district Arts programs. This is an unfortunate reality that happens time and time again, across the nation.

Knowing the importance of exposure to these programs, especially at a young age...BOHEMiYUM is committed to helping keep these programs alive, nationwide.

We were recently able to make a donation to the SFUSD. Again, we would like to say...”thank you“ to everyone, for supporting BOHEMiYUM and our incredible mission to support The Arts in schools! It brings us absolute joy. 😊🙏

This is only the beginning! We will continue to do our best in making an impact in schools across the nation. We couldn't do it without your support.


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